3 Practical Tips for Stewarding Visual Worship

If you’ve read Exodus 26, you may have noticed something fascinating about God: He cares about the visual aspects of worship!

In that chapter, we see how God gave clear and specific instructions for how He wanted every inch of the temple (the place of worship) to look.

And while we may not be in that physical temple anymore, we’ve seen time and time again that when we ask God for His heart regarding worship visuals, He speaks!

So here are 3 PRACTICAL STEPS you can take every service to help better steward worship visuals every weekend:

  1. Invite the Holy Spirit into the process of planning your lighting and visuals. This may sound either obvious or over the top. But time and time again we’ve experienced the presence of God when we simply invite him into our planning! Ask him what He wants the weekend to look like (Btw, it doesn’t have to include Sunday Screens).

  2. Listen to the setlist. Whenever possible, take time to listen to the songs in your weekend’s setlist and experiment thoughtfully with different visual approaches. One of the most practical things you can do is play a song and visual together in advance to see how they feel together. Do the color, pace, and content of this visual distract in any way? Or do they compliment and add to the moment?

  3. Less is More. To minimize distraction, we prefer to stick to one look per song. This allows lighting and the music itself to drive the dynamics of a moment. Since the LED wall is so often the biggest, brightest element on stage, sticking to one look allows for less distraction (less eyes on production changes, more eyes on Jesus).

No matter what visuals you use, we hope that these tips help you go into this weekend with more intentionality!


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